

头痛是头部或脸部的疼痛或不适. 头痛可以是单一的,也可以是反复发作的, 并局限于头部和面部的一个或多个区域.


头痛的确切原因尚不完全清楚. It is thought that many headaches are the result of tight muscles and dilated, or expanded, 头部的血管. Although migraine headaches were previously thought to be due to 血管扩张 in the brain, newer theories suggest that changes in brain chemicals or electrical signaling may be involved. Other headaches may be caused by an alteration in the communication between parts of the nervous system that relay information about pain, 来自头部区域, face, and neck. Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality are often the cause of chronic headaches. Occasionally, 大脑确实有问题, 如肿瘤或脑部畸形, 虽然这种情况很少见.

The way a child exhibits a headache may be related to many factors, such as genetics, hormones, stress, diet, medications, and dehydration. Recurrent headaches of any type can cause school problems, behavioral problems, and/or depression.


有许多不同的方法来分类头痛. 一种方法将头痛分为两类:

Primary headaches

这些通常是由肌肉紧绷引起的, 血管扩张, 神经紊乱神经系统各部分之间交流的改变, or inflammation of the structures in the brain and are not linked to another medical condition. 原发性头痛的类型包括以下几种:


Migraines 可以从童年早期开始吗. It is estimated that nearly 20 percent of teens experience migraine headache. The average age of onset is 7 years of age for boys and 10 years of age for girls. 偏头痛通常有家族病史. Some females may have migraines that correlate with their menstrual periods. 虽然每个孩子的症状不同, 以下是偏头痛最常见的症状:

  • Pain on one or both sides of the head (some younger children may complain of pain all over)

  • Pain may be throbbing or pounding in quality (although young children may not be able to describe their pain)

  • 对光或声音敏感的

  • 恶心和/或呕吐

  • 腹部不适

  • Sweating

  • 孩子可能变得安静或脸色苍白

  • 有些孩子在偏头痛前有先兆, 比如灯光闪烁的感觉, 视野的改变, or funny smells

Tension headaches

Tension headaches 最常见的头痛类型有哪些. Stress and mental or emotional conflict are often factors in triggering pain related to tension headaches. 虽然每个孩子的症状不同, 以下是紧张性头痛最常见的症状:

  • 头痛发作缓慢

  • 头通常两侧都疼

  • 疼痛是迟钝的,或者感觉像一根带子缠在头上

  • 疼痛可累及头部或颈部的后(背部)部分

  • 疼痛轻微到中度,但不严重

  • 改变孩子的睡眠习惯

  • Children with tension headaches typically do not experience nausea, vomiting, or light sensitivity.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches usually start in children older than 10 years of age, and are more common in adolescent males. 它们比偏头痛或紧张性头痛要少得多. Cluster headaches usually occur in a series that may last weeks or months, 这一系列的头痛可能每一两年就会复发. 虽然每个孩子的症状不同, 以下是集束性头痛最常见的症状:

  • 头部一侧剧烈疼痛,通常在一只眼睛后面

  • The eye that is affected may have a droopy lid, small pupil, or redness and swelling of the eyelid

  • 流鼻涕或鼻塞

  • 前额肿胀


These are from an organic cause in the brain (problems in the structure of the brain) due to another health condition or disease, 是最不常见的头痛类型.


The child may have varying degrees of symptoms associated with the severity of the headache depending on the type of headache. 有些头痛可能更严重. Symptoms that may suggest a more serious underlying cause of the headache may include the following:

  • 一个头痛的小孩

  • 被头痛惊醒的孩子

  • 一大早就开始头疼

  • 因紧张而加重的疼痛,如咳嗽或打喷嚏

  • Recurrent episodes of vomiting without nausea or other signs of a stomach virus

  • 突然的疼痛和“最严重的头痛”

  • 头痛变得更严重或持续

  • Personality changes that have occurred as the headache syndrome evolved

  • Changes in vision

  • 手臂或腿部无力,或平衡问题

  • 癫痫或癫痫

The symptoms of a headache may resemble other conditions or medical problems. 一定要向孩子的医生咨询诊断.


The full extent of the problem may not be completely understood immediately, but may be revealed with a comprehensive medical evaluation and 诊断测试. The diagnosis of a headache is made with a careful history and physical examination and diagnostic tests. During the examination, the doctor obtains a complete medical history of the child and family.

Questions commonly asked during the examination may include the following:

  • 头痛什么时候出现??

  • 头痛的部位在哪里?

  • 头痛是什么感觉?

  • 头痛持续多久?

  • Have there been changes in walking and behavior patterns, or personality?

  • 姿势或坐姿的改变会引起头痛吗?

  • 你的孩子有睡眠问题吗?

  • 你的孩子有情绪压力史吗?

  • 您孩子的头部或面部有外伤史吗?

If the history is consistent with migraine or tension type headaches and the neurological exam is normal, 可能不需要进一步的诊断测试.


  • Blood tests. 这可能包括全血细胞计数, levels or iron, 铁蛋白水平, 甲状腺功能检查.

  • MRI. 一种使用大型磁铁组合的诊断程序, radiofrequencies, and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures within the body.

  • CT scan. A diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, 身体的图像(通常称为切片). CT扫描显示身体任何部位的详细图像, 包括骨头, muscles, fat, and organs. CT扫描比普通的x光扫描更详细.

  • Polysomnogram. 这是一项无痛测试,通常在睡眠实验室进行. 它包括记录呼吸和肌肉运动. A polysomnogram is generally done if there is a suggestion of a sleep disorder, 比如睡眠呼吸暂停或其他与睡眠有关的问题.


Specific treatment for headaches will be determined by your child's doctor based on:

  • 孩子的年龄、整体健康状况和病史

  • 头痛的程度

  • Type of headaches

  • Your child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies

  • 你的意见或偏好

The ultimate goal of treatment is to stop the headache from occurring. Medical management relies on the proper identification of the type of headache and may include:

  • 在安静、黑暗的环境中休息

  • 按照医生的建议服用药物

  • Stress management

  • Avoid known triggers, such as certain foods and beverages, lack of sleep, and fasting

  • Diet changes

  • Exercise

Migraine headaches may require specific medication management including:

  • 药物流产. Medicines, 由你孩子的医生开处方, that act on specific receptors in 头部的血管 and can stop a headache in progress.

  • Rescue medicines. Medicines purchased over-the-counter, such as analgesics (pain relievers), to stop the headache.

  • 预防药物. Medicines, 由你孩子的医生开处方, that are taken daily to reduce the onset of severe migraine headaches.

Some headaches may require immediate medical attention including hospitalization for observation, 诊断测试, or even surgery. Treatment is individualized depending on the extent of the underlying condition that is causing the child's headache. The extent of the child's recovery is individualized depending on the type of headache and other medical problems that may be present.


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