

Published in Community Health - Community Health Stories

Eighteen years ago, 约翰霍普金斯大学的执业护士丽莎·斯科蒂看到了Moveable Feast为推荐十大正规网赌平台提供了多大的帮助 HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) whom she cared for. 斯科蒂说,Moveable Feast的医疗餐和送货上门的餐点挽救了人们的生命. She wanted to help the organization.

Scotti formed a Johns Hopkins Medicine cycling team, Fierce Chicks Rock, 参加Moveable Feast的骑行活动,为盛宴筹款. Thousands of miles and two decades later, “猛小鸡摇滚”已经为该组织筹集了数十万美元.

Before the pandemic, cyclists rode 140 miles over two days, representing how far Moveable Feast travels to feed people. Since the pandemic, the fundraiser has become a one-day event, and cyclists choose how much they’d like to ride. This year’s event will be held on May 21.

“I love it,” Scotti says. “All proceeds go to Moveable Feast. We, as a team, get to know one another. It’s my favorite thing to do all year.”

Scotti, 从2010年到2015年,谁是该组织的董事会成员, 她说,多年来,“凶猛的小鸡摇滚”一直在她家门外做庭院拍卖, with proceeds going toward their fundraising.

Angie Kelley, Moveable Feast’s community engagement manager, 她说,“猛小鸡摇滚”热爱志愿服务,也热爱“移动盛宴”的工作.

“They not only ride,” Kelley says. “They volunteer in our kitchen to help make meals, do delivery driving, 在委员会任职,并利用巴尔的摩社区对我们工作的支持.”

凯利说,Moveable Feast的使命是为生活在慢性病和食品不安全交汇处的客户提供量身定制的医疗餐. The organization makes and delivers about 8,000 meals a week. 每位客户一次可以享用大约一周的餐食,包括六顿午餐和六顿晚餐.

“We treat food as medicine,” Kelley says. “If people don’t have access to healthy, nutritious food, it can negatively affect their ability to manage their illness. 我们想让他们知道,我们是一个支持他们的地方.”



Barbara Wilgus, 她是约翰霍普金斯大学性病/艾滋病预防培训中心的执业护士和项目管理员, has volunteered with Moveable Feast for over a decade. 威尔格斯说,除了通过猛鸡摇滚筹集资金, 她还喜欢在Moveable Feast的厨房做志愿者,包装圣诞礼物.

“我看到了他们的工作对我所服务的人的直接影响,”威尔格斯说. “It is lifesaving for many of my patients with HIV. 工作人员中有营养师,他们和推荐十大正规网赌平台一起工作,告诉他们需要什么食物来保持健康.”

Wilgus的许多使用Moveable Feast服务的推荐十大正规网赌平台都是在家, and do not have many interactions with people.

“It can be demoralizing,” she says. “It can take away the reason for living. 当你没有联系的时候,在你的门口有一张友好的脸是一件很有影响力的事情. Volunteers sit with them and socialize. They bring human connection directly to people’s doorsteps.”


威尔格斯说:“作为一个团队,把准备好的饭菜放在一起是人们聚在一起的好方法。. “It makes you depend on each other to get a result. 我们都有不同的任务和工作,互相了解了很多. 我们还了解到,即使是最小的行动也会产生直接影响. 花两个小时准备一些食物帮助数百人生存. 对我来说,这是一件小事,但却给需要它的人带来了伟大的东西.”

Cynthia L. Sears, M.D., 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的医学和肿瘤学教授, has been riding with Fierce Chicks Rock for 17 years. She recalls that she rented a hybrid bike the first year, and did the ride when winds were more than 20 miles per hour.

“It took all day, and it was so difficult,” she says. “But it was quite an adventure and a ton of fun. Our team is like a family. We support each other. We’ve been friends for well over a decade.”

Sears, who served as president of the board from 2014 to 2016, 她说她也送餐,有时在厨房工作.

“当你送饭的时候,你可以看到他们的放松和快乐. You are part of a support system,” Sears says. “None of us are healthy if we don’t eat well. Getting to the grocery store can be a huge challenge. 移动盛宴欢迎所有患有慢性疾病的人.”

戴尔说:“你带的饭菜总是比你想象的多。. “你可以看到客户在吃什么,里面有什么. I’m in awe of the work Moveable Feast puts in every day.”

Before nursing school, 詹妮弗·加弗在约翰·霍普金斯医学院工作,是一名研究项目协调员,负责调查艾滋病毒/性传播感染行为干预措施. She spent two years as an HIV community outreach worker, 现在是约翰霍普金斯医院成人急诊科的一名护士.

“Many of my patients were Moveable Feast clients, and often spoke fondly of the organization’s services,” she says. “I joined Fierce Chicks to raise money for Moveable Feast, 因为他们知道筹集到的钱将直接用于巴尔的摩社区的食物供应.”

The first year Gaver participated in Ride for the Feast, 赛事赞助商意识到他们失去了一位骑手——加弗.

“对我来说幸运的是,他们派了摩托车队来领我进去,”加弗说. “在三辆摩托车的陪伴下,我完成了最后30英里的骑行,这是一种史诗般的感觉!”

For Gaver, the ride has become symbolic.

“骑100英里自行车提醒我,我可以完成任何我下定决心要做的事情. You make the decision, train hard, jump on the bike and go. It directly translates into life,” she says. “In terms of the fundraising, 这证明了一群人只要下定决心就能做到什么. So, come and ride with us!”

Fierce Chicks Rock team members also include Meredith Zoltick, Margaret Hart, Jean Anderson (retired), Geetanjali Chander, Deborah Michelle (retired), Drew Pardoll, Norberth (Bud) Stracker, Joyce Jones, Elizabeth Gilliams, Amy Burrell, Chris Snow, Lindsey Gnazzo, Sarah Frank and Jill Crank.





Medical imaging students volunteer time, learn about teamwork.

Medical imaging students Sharmaine Moore, Maria Cosentino, 克里斯蒂·凡·肯和娜塔莉·乔文是马里兰州中部“车轮上的饭菜”的志愿者.



Carolina Lopez-Silva