Kayode Ayodele Williams, M.B.B.S., M.B.A.

  • 麻醉学与危重医学副教授

Languages: English, Yoruba



Research Interests

Mechanisms and efficacy of dorsal column stimulation in neuropathic pain, peripheral neuropathies and peripheral vascular disease; Translational research in neuromodulation; Interventional pain medicine; Medical management consulting; Acute in-patient and revenue cycle management; Physician practice management; Specialty practice development; Business of medicine ...read more

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601 N. Caroline St.
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1800 Orleans St.
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Dr. Kayode Williams是约翰霍普金斯大学医学院麻醉学和重症监护医学副教授,也是约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院的商业助理教授.

Dr. 威廉姆斯在拉各斯大学医学院获得医学学位. 在接受了曼彻斯特皇家医院等知名医疗机构的培训后. 威廉姆斯于1995年在英国完成了麻醉学实习. Subsequently, he became a Fellow of Faculty of Anesthesia, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (FFARCSI). Dr. Williams joined the University of Michigan in 1997, 2001年完成第二次麻醉学住院医师培训, a fellowship in pain medicine in 2002, and received an M.B.A. 2004年从密歇根大学罗斯商学院毕业. Dr. 威廉姆斯于2005年加入约翰霍普金斯医学院麻醉科和重症医学系疼痛医学部,开发新的私人诊所, 并将该部门的影响范围从学术环境扩展到社区. From 2009 - 2011, Dr. 威廉姆斯曾担任约翰霍普金斯大学布劳斯坦疼痛治疗中心的医学主任.

他的研究重点是神经调节的转化研究, 重点讨论脊髓刺激治疗神经性疼痛的机制和疗效, peripheral neuropathies and peripheral vascular disease. 他对医学业务的兴趣是由于希望通过有效的资源管理来提高医生团体和医院的价值主张. Dr. 威廉姆斯的业务重点是专业实践的发展, 急性住院推荐十大正规网赌平台收入周期管理及医疗管理咨询.

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  • 麻醉学与危重医学副教授

Departments / Divisions

Centers & Institutes



  • MBBS; University of Lagos College of Medicine (1984)


  • Anesthesiology; Hope Hospital of Salford Salford Royal NHS Trust (1994)
  • Anesthesiology; Joyce Green Hospital (1992)
  • Anesthesiology; University Of Manchester (1995)


  • Anesthesiology; University of Michigan Health System (2002)

Board Certifications

  • 美国麻醉学委员会(麻醉学)(2003)
  • American Board of Anesthesiology (Pain Medicine) (2004)

Research & Publications

Research Summary

Dr. Williams专注于神经调节的转化研究, 重点讨论脊髓刺激治疗神经性疼痛的机制和疗效, peripheral neuropathies and peripheral vascular disease.

Technology Expertise Keywords


Clinical Trial Keywords

Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Treatment of Critical Non-Reconstructible Critical Leg Ischemia; Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Treatment of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Selected Publications

  1. Marie N. Hanna, MD, Ashlea D. Barrett, MPH, Kayode A. Williams, MD, Peter Pronovost, MD. “推荐十大正规网赌平台对疼痛控制的感知是否影响三级教学医院各单位推荐十大正规网赌平台的满意度??” Am J Med Qual. 2012 Sep-Oct;27(5):411-6.
  2. Williams K.A., Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, Sayeh Hamzehzadeh, Indy Wilkinson, Michael A. 厄德克、安东尼·普伦基特、斯科特·格里菲斯、马修·克鲁克斯、托马斯·拉金和史蒂文·P. Cohen. 一项多中心分析评估慢性疼痛患者脊髓刺激结果相关因素.” Pain Med. 2011 Aug;12(8):1142-53. doi: 10.1111/j.15264637.2011.01184.x. Epub 2011 Jul 12.
  3. Olaniyan OEP, Brown C, Williams KA. “Utilization Review, Getting it Right.” Physician Exec 2011 May-Jun;37(3):50-54.
  4. Cohen SP, Williams K.A, Kurihara C, Nguyen C, Shields C, Kim P, Griffith SR, Larkin TM, Williams N, Strassels S. “Multicenter, 随机比较成本-效果研究, 1和2诊断内侧支(小关节神经)阻断治疗模式前腰椎小关节射频去神经支配.” Anesthesiology.2010 aug;113(2):395-405.
  5. Olaniyan OEP, Brown C, Williams KA. “有效管理您的医疗需求和通知拒绝.” Healthc Financ Manage.” 2009 Aug; 63 (8): 62-7.
  6. Cohen SP, Strassels SA, Foster L, Marvel J, Williams K.A., Crooks M, Gross A, Kurihara C, Nguyen C, Williams N. “A Multi-Center, 比较透视引导和盲注射治疗转子滑囊炎的随机对照研究.” BMJ. 2009 Apr14; 338: b1088.doi:10.1136/bmj.b1088.
  7. Cohen SP, Zahid BH, Kraemer JJ, Dragovich A, Williams KA, Stream BS, Sireci BS, Mcknight G, Hurley RW. 预测颈椎关节面射频去神经支配成功和失败的因素:一项多中心分析.” Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine; Nov 2007;32:495-503.
  8. 孔晓明,李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军. “在治疗慢性术后胸痛方面,背根神经节脉冲射频治疗优于药物治疗或肋间神经脉冲射频治疗.” Pain Physician 2006; Jul: 9 (3):227-35.
  9. Hurley RW, Cohen SP, Williams KA, Rowlingson AJ, Wu CL. 围手术期加巴喷丁对术后疼痛的镇痛作用:荟萃分析.” Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 2006. May-June; 31(3): 237-47. 
  10. Sharma, A., Williams, K. A., Raja, S.N., 复杂局部疼痛综合征的治疗进展:对一种令人困惑的疾病的最新见解. Current Opinion in Anesthesiology 2006, 19; 566-572.
  11. Lieberman, J., Williams, K.A., Rosenberg, A.依靠外部标志时颈内静脉插管的最佳头部旋转. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2004; 99: 982-988.

Activities & Honors


  • 2009年,马里兰精神病学学会早期职业精神病学家委员会主席


  • American Academy of Pain Medicine, 2008
  • American College of Physician Executives, 2003
  • American Society of Anesthesiologists, 1998
  • American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, 2003
  • International Anesthesia Research Society, 1998
  • International Neuromodulation Society, 2004
  • Manchester Medical Society, United Kingdom, 1995
  • New York academy of Medicine, 2010

Professional Activities

  • Reviewer, Pain Medicine
  • Reviewer, Anesthesia and Analgesia

Patient Ratings & Comments

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